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There is SO much to explore in our home planet Earth!

You don't need a plane ticket, just pack your sense of adventure and let I Heart the World take you on a journey across our seven continents. Explore the globe and celebrate the people, cultures, natural and man-made wonders, and the breathtaking flora and fauna found in our land, sea and sky.

I Heart the World is a book that is big in size, content and heart. It is filled with fascinating facts and Tania McCartney’s illustrations will have you poring over pages for hours.

How do you say 'Hello' in Portuguese?
Where is the rainiest city?
What is a Capybara and what does it eat every morning?
Where will you find a Whistling Thorn tree and how does it whistle?
Can you eat a Pfeffernusse?

I love the illustrated double page headings that capture elements of each continent and include a snapshot of facts. I Heart the World begins with a section celebrating our world and each continent has its own chapter filled with bite-sized facts. The information throughout the book is organised clearly and creatively and brought to life by Tania’s detailed illustrations.

Click HERE to see the hundreds of illustration roughs Tania drew for her book.

If you enjoy travelling, love facts and care about our world then I Heart the World needs to go to the very top of your To Be Read pile!

Happy reading and travelling!



This is a guest book review by Mrs Brooks, a teacher librarian in Brisbane for I’ve Got Eyes! written by Julie Murphy and illustrated by Hannah TolsonThe children at her school library love reading this book!

The Eyes Have It!

I’ve Got Eyes! written by Julie Murphy, a trained zoologist and zookeeper, is a highly engaging non-fiction book about some of the exceptional eyes found in the animal kingdom.

Using double pages to combine easy to read and highly informative facts and colourful close-up illustrations, Julie and Hannah enable readers to discover fascinating clues about familiar (and not so familiar animals) and how their eyes have adapted to their unique environments. Can you guess which animal has HANDLEBAR eyes or why oblong eyes are VERY useful for a goat?

This book will amaze and intrigue readers as they pore over the pages, delighting in discovering why animal eyes are so different, whilst pondering the question – What can our eyes do?

Happy reading!

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