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There are sure to be giggles and guffaws when you read Poo and Other Words that Make me Laugh

This cheeky book begs to be read aloud as weird and wonderful words playfully weave their way around brightly coloured pages reminding us how fun and fascinating words can be.

Unleash your funny voices (and faces) and try not to tangle your tongue on words like FLIBBERTIGIBBET, PERSNICKETYHUBBUB and SUCCOTASH.
many interesting ways can you say that little word POO?
Check out the the glossary to see if you have COLLYWOBBLES or whether you should use
 a BUMBERSHOOT or a SNICKERSNEE next time it rains!

Do you have a favourite word? One of mine is SERENDIPITY.

Try brainstorming words with your friends or class and create your own book of Poo (or ???) and Other Words That Make Us Laugh. 

 Felice Arena and Tom Jellett are a dynamic duo who love to make reading fun. Have a look for Sporty Kids and The Besties at your library or bookshop.

Happy reading! 

There are words to be spelled,
Nerves to be overcome,
And a champion to be found!

If you enjoyed The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee you will be excited to read the sequel The Most Marvellous Spelling Bee Mystery by Deborah Abela 


In The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee we met India Wimple, a shy girl who was a brilliant speller, but suffered from stage fright when spelling in front of an audience. Thanks to the unwavering support and creative ideas from India’s close-knit family and country town community of Yungabilla, India achieved her spelling dream at the Grand Final at the Sydney Opera House.

Teacher notes

India’s life in Yungabilla is returning to normal when we meet her in The Most Marvellous Spelling Bee Mystery as she receives an invitation to compete in the Most Marvellous International Spelling Bee in London. However, India can only take one person with her and there is no way India will go without her family! The Yungabilla community are very proud of their spelling champion and come up with a solution.

In London, India is reunited with her friend Rajish and they are both surprised to see the positive changes in their fellow speller, Summer. We also meet new spellers, Peter Eriksson from London and Holly Trifle from Canada. Holly’s parents who are fitness fanatics and own a business called Beaut Butts & Guts will have you cringing, especially when the spellers meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace. 

A series of mysterious mishaps threaten to stop the competition and India and her friends work together with some clever detective work to find the culprit and ensure the Spelling Bee continues. They’re a bit like the Famous Five!

Deborah Abela cleverly includes the spelling bee process in the chapter headings by using a spelling word, its definition and including the word in a sentence. This gives you a clue and invites you to predict what might happen in the chapter.

There is a wonderful spirit of friendship in this competition where the children are not just competitors, but also become friends. Only one of the spellers can win The Most Marvellous Spelling Bee, but they are all winners in the way they grow and learn more about themselves.

Making you feel happy because you see other people being happy or kind to each other

This is a heartwarming story that celebrates friendship and family and encourages self-belief.

Happy reading and spelling!

Teacher notes

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