My favourite teacher, Mr Bambuckle is back at Blue Valley School balancing on his unicycle and greeting his students with Dutch pancakes in one hand and a jug of hot chocolate in the other. I wish I was in room 12B!
Unfortunately Principal Sternblast is up to his old tricks. Is Miss Frost in on it too?This time he’s plotting to turn Blue Valley School into an exclusive selective school. Students who can’t meet the new academic standards will be forced to leave!
In his own mysterious way, Mr Bambuckle knows exactly what needs to be done and encourages his students’ creativity, problem solving and teamwork to stop the new building. Even the four new students from Blue Valley Grammar and Canteen Carol have their part to play. Will the students of room 12B be able to stand up and join forces to save Blue Valley School?
Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables Join Forces is the fifth book in the series by Tim Harris with his trademark heart and humour, this time with an environmental twist. James Hart’s illustrations capture the story’s shenanigans and silliness, the new students share their intriguing stories, crazy conversations with Canteen Carol continue and this time your creativity will be challenged with 21 ridiculous uses for a cardboard box. I like number 15!
Mr Bambuckle also reveals an exciting surprise for book six...
Happy reading!