Alice-Miranda has her own movie and it's heading to a cinema near you!
Alice-Miranda's movie will premiere in Sydney on Saturday, November 9th
Alice-Miranda and Friends is an 80-minute animated movie filled with marvellous mysteries, midnight feasts, ponies and pyjama parties...
Read Jacqueline Harvey's newsletter HERE for more details about screening locations and Alice Miranda events around Australia.
If you live in VICTORIA, the Alice Miranda movie will be screening in these Village Cinemas:
Doncaster, Rivoli, Plenty Valley, Sunshine, Knox, Southland, Jam Factory, Fountain Gate, Werribee, Geelong, Airport West, Century City, Morwell, Crown Casino, Karingal, Albury, Bendigo, Shepparton, Coburg and Warrnambool
Click HERE to select your nearest Village Cinema to check session times and book your tickets online.
Congratulations Jacqueline Harvey and Alice-Miranda!!

Hi Miss Yeomans
Thanks for sending through the information on the Alice-Miranda movie. It's nice to hear from you as I haven't seen any e-mails/reviews from you in a long while. So glad you're back. It's hard to believe it's Term 4 already! I'm currently reading the Percy Jackson books and really enjoying them. I heard you were reading some adult books. Mum asked if there's an adult version of your "Wild about books" so she can get some recommendations too! 🙂
Love from Elly
Hi Elly,
It's great to hear from you!
Yes, it's hard to believe it's Term 4 already. Time really does fly!
Sorry for the lack of book reviews, it has been busy leading up to the YABBA Awards at school which we hosted last Tuesday. I was so excited to see the students from St M's who came along! I seemed to be the only one who hasn't grown taller! There were lots of authors and illustrators there including Felice Arena and Terry Denton and I finally met Tim Harris the author of the Mr Bambuckle and Toffle Towers series. I had a great chat to Jacquie Harvey over lunch and she is very excited about the Alice-Miranda movie. The production of her second movie 'Alice Miranda A Royal Christmas' has been recently announced.
Great to hear you're enjoying the Percy Jackson books. Tell your mum that I listen to a fabulous podcast called 'Words and Nerds' where Dani interviews both adult and children's authors about their books. I have added lots of great books to my TBR (To Be Read) pile thanks to this podcast!
Enjoy the rest of Term 4, Elly!
Happy reading...
Miss Y 🙂