Sima is an Afghan girl living in a detention centre. Dan is a 'parkie kid' living at the local caravan park. Both are seeking freedom beyond their wire fences.
Sima’s dad told her to run.
Dan finds her hiding in the school toilet block.
What should Dan do? Help her? Dob her in? She’s breaking the law, but is it right to lock kids up?
And if he helps, should Sima trust him? Or run?
This moment, these decisions, will change their lives.
Twelve-year-old Sima is an Afghan Hazara refugee whose family has been locked up in a detention centre for two years. They are in fear of being sent back to Afghanistan where their lives will be in great danger. Along with fifty others, Sima and her family make a daring attempt to escape at 5.28 am one morning. A guard raises the alarm and in the chaos, Sima finds herself alone and running for her life. She hides in the toilet block at the local high school, but the escape has triggered a school lockdown and Border Force officers are checking every room. Then Dan finds her…
Dan lives on the wrong side of town in an old, battered blue-and-white Jayco caravan at Midgenba Pines caravan park. His mum is often absent and he does his best to look after himself and go to school. Sadly, most people expect 'parkie kids' to break the law and end up in jail. That's not what Dan plans for his life. However, this is exactly what might happen if he decides to help Sima...
"But how can he raise the alarm, knowing what she said will happen to her and her little sister? A baby. How can that be the right thing to do? How can what's legal and what's right be two different things?"
Detention is a gripping and fast-paced story about trust, courage, freedom, hope and doing what you think is right. You will be on an emotional roller coaster with Sima and Dan, thinking about what you would do in the same situation as you quickly turn pages, hold your breath and hope Sima makes it to Leeton.
Tristan Bancks has written a book that both makes your heart race and fills it with compassion.
What would you risk to save a life?

You can read the first three chapters of Detention HERE. Tristan would love to hear what YOU thought about his book!
Happy reading!
Teacher Notes
Hey Miss Y...again,
I am currently reading an amazing book called Indigo Blue by Jessica Watson. Jessica Watson, on record was the youngest women and in fact PERSON to sail around the world solo! She was only 16! Her boat was called the Pink Lady. Indigo Blue is based on her life but with a fantastical twist. The main characters are Alex who represents Jessica, Robin, Alex’s aunt and Sam. There are many other less “in the spotlight” characters too. It was in the teen section of the Watsonia library. Overall from what I’ve read (which is about half way) the book is amazing and I can’t put it down! I’ll tell you more when I finish it.
From Elena
PS it is rumoured that Jessica Townsend is expected to be completing yet another fantastic book in October 2020! She seems to release all her books in October, spooky! The book is about Morrigan and Hawthorn adventures in their first year and school.
Sorry for the long comment, enjoy your holidays.
Hi Elena,
I have such admiration for Jessica Watson and her incredible courage sailing Pink Lady solo around the world at only 16 years of age! Jessica kept a blog and I followed it for her whole trip and also read her book about her sailing journey called 'True Spirit' that you might want to read next. I have also read Jessica's novel 'Indigo Blue' which I really enjoyed and I'm glad that you are too! I enjoyed the fantasy twist.
I follow Jessica Townsend on Twitter and she's currently finishing writing 'Hollowpox' which is supposedly due January 28th, 2020 according to Booktopia
I hope you're enjoying your holidays, Elena. It has been great reading weather!
Did you see my reply to your last comment about the YABBA Awards...go back and read it. You will be in for a surprise!
Happy reading!
Miss Y 🙂
Hmmmm I’ve gone and looked...what’s the difference? 🤔
Hi Elena,
Did you see where the YABBA Awards will be held this year?
Miss Y 🙂
Nope? Maybe it was at the school you teach at?????? I must be blind!
Yes! I wasn't sure if you read my reply to you ...
"I hope you keep up your reading to earn a Golden Ticket for the YABBA Awards because I will be there and I would love to see you and the other lucky students from St Martin’s! Camberwell Girls Grammar is this year’s host for the YABBA Awards and it’s where I am working as their Junior School teacher librarian! There’s lots to organise for the day and it’s going to be so exciting! SO many authors to meet…."
At your school?!?!
Yes, it's where I'm teaching at Camberwell Girls Grammar this year! I'm very excited 🙂
Wow! That’s awesomely epic!!!!
I am so exited to know that mean while Sally Rippen could be reading my story! Also what app/website did you use to build your blog?
Sally and Adrian announced the winner for Total Quack Up 2 yesterday. His name is Cody.
I use Global2 for this blog It is for Victorian students and teachers to use. If you're interested in starting a blog you might like to wait until October 6th and join the next Student Blogging Challenge
Miss Y 🙂